Our Days Are So Precious

Saturday was a great day at our house. As the kids were taking care of the things they needed to do, they were also having a blast together. My heart swelled as I listened to the laughter, squeals, running, and more that is indicative of the blessing of having 4 big kids who are dear friends with one another. To make the day even more special, God sent a snow our way. Our neighborhood turned white by mid-morning, and all seemed right in the world.

Even as I was making mental note of all the blessings God had given me just on that one day, my heart was breaking for many others among the Teach Them Diligently families; and I lifted them up to the Father all day long.

You see, over the last couple of weeks, I have received a note from a mama whose young adult son was discovered to have a brain tumor. I saw on Facebook and was fortunate enough to have a short email exchange with a TTDOhio mama whose husband was suddenly taken into eternity on Friday. That same afternoon, I heard about another mama who lost her baby as it was just coming into the world, and I am not privy to nearly all the struggles that TTD families are experiencing.

Our days– even the ones that bring us incredible joy– are so fleeting and so precious.

I was struck by the thought of what I hold dear and what I allow to get me all out of shape. I had to ask myself how many times I have gotten completely frustrated or overwhelmed by something so completely small and inconsequential. Isn’t it incredible how Satan can throw us off-balance by making us believe small things are the biggest deals in the world? Conviction gripped my heart as I remembered those who couldn’t hug their loved ones while I was so quick to be short with mine. And, I prayed again.

What A Privilege To Have These Precious Days

Mom and Dad, we are such privileged people. God has given each of us a family. Even if they aren’t what we would deem perfect, they are still a gift. God has allowed us to be the single greatest influencer in the lives of the people who we love most in the whole wide world, and He has given us His Word and more additional resources than ever before to help us take advantage of those privileges.

So, tonight, I encourage you to do what I’m doing. Hug your kiddos a little tighter. Take the time to play a game with them when they want to hang out. Linger over bedtime. Prioritize their hearts over the dishes if need be. Invest in your marriage. Flirt. Have fun together again. Today is a day you will never get back, and we are simply not guaranteed tomorrow.

I pray that even in my busiest times, I will be able to look back on the day I have just lived and smile. I want to know that I have done what was most important and needful, so if it’s the last day of what I deem normal, I can look back with only fondness and not regret. I want to start the day with eternity in view even before my feet hit the floor.

Pray Together During These Precious Days

I ask you to pray for those who are in deep sorrow right now. Even as I type this, I can hardly see through my tears for those who have lost loved ones within the last few days. Join me in praying that the God of Peace will be with them and that He will shower them with the grace they need for each and every hour. May they feel the presence of the promised Comforter like never before, and may somehow God be glorified through their sorrow.

Several years ago, I put a number of the verses I pray first thing in the morning into a printable to make available for you. If you’d like to keep a copy by your bed to help set your heart and mind on eternal things before the temporal can overrun you, feel free to click the button below to download that now. I also did an IGTV and a TTD365 video to give you even more insight into this habit. 

The Instagram video can be found by clicking here. 

If you’re a TTD365 member, you can watch the expanded video about focusing your heart and mind with more resources by clicking here.

I pray that this little note will be an encouragement to you, helping you focus on the incredible gifts you have been given and maybe even giving a little better perspective about how this coming week should really go.

We have always prayed God would encourage His families and strengthen His church through Teach Them Diligently, but you will never get the full impact of what He’s doing if you don’t join us onsite. I hope that you will prioritize investing in your family this way. TTD events make great family times– and sometimes even better couples retreats. No matter how you choose to enjoy the event, though, you will get incredible information and encouragement to help you focus in on what’s most important in your life. Click here to register now and start making your plans to attend a Teach Them Diligently very soon.  The TTDNashville event has another price increase coming on Thursday, and the TTDRogers and TTDWaco schedules should be out this week, Lord-willing.

We would also appreciate your prayers for our family. TTD is a very small, family-run ministry, and we are keenly aware that it is only by God’s great grace and power that it has grown to the size it has. We know that we are inadequate for the task, unless we do it through the power of God alone. If you will pray for us, it would be a great encouragement if you’d send a note letting me know. I will share them all with David.

We cannot wait to see your family very, very soon– and hopefully to pray with you in person while you’re there.

Joining You In This Journey!


PS— If you’re wondering what to expect at any of the Teach Them Diligently events or how to pack or prepare, we created a page of resources just for you! Click here to download an ebook or checklist now.

PPS— For even more information, check out the TTD2020 Orientation video and all the links included there!! It’s getting exciting as we inch closer and closer to all coming  back together again!! Click here to watch that video and access those resources now. 

PPS— Still on the fence about whether you should even bother attending a homeschool convention or not?? I wrote this little piece just for you! It includes 7 reasons why I honestly believe ALL homeschool families should attend a convention. C’mon– you know you’re curious! Click here to check those out now.