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Thriving Through Learning & Growing

This month, we continue with our short series of several ways we can all “Grow Up” As A Mom. still talking about thriving here — Thriving is often shown in a physical way by growing up. This month we are going to chat about ways we can learn and grow by first getting into God’s […]

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Thriving Through Taking Care Of Yourself

This month, we’ll kick off a short series within our overall Thrive theme for the year. Over the summer, we’ll be looking at several ways we can all “Grow Up” As A Mom. Thriving is often shown in a physical way by growing up. This month is a replay from several years ago, It was […]

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Back to Basics: Taking care of mama! — An Interview with Genevieve Voreis

With the hectic holiday season upon us, now is a perfect time to focus on the importance of taking care of ourselves, so we are fit to take care of those we love the most. Leslie is joined by Genevieve Voreis this week as Genevieve shares her incredible story and shares what God taught her through health trials, the loss of a son, and the journey that came from those things.

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You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup – Making A Plan to Nurture Your Heart

Discouraged, depleted, and running on empty? Nurturing your heart is the key to finding joy as well as succeeding in teaching your children. Come learn how to fill your heart through spiritual growth and fellowship with other homeschool moms so you can pour love into your children every day.

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