Life Under Communism – and the hope that can be found even there | 81


Today’s episode is INCREDIBLE, for I’m talking with Izabella McMillon who grew up in Communist Romania. I asked Izabella to share her experience and help us all better understand exactly what living under communism really means for families. You do not want to miss this, and I encourage you to bring your children in to listen as well, for through her story we’re going to see how God’s hand is never shortened that it cannot save and how no plan of man can ever thwart God’s plans. I can’t tell you how excited I am to have you join Izabella and me.

Did you know that you can be part of the Great Commission simply by packing an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox gift? Your gift of school supplies, toys and hygiene items will open the door for children around the world to encounter the love of Christ for the very first time. Around a thousand churches are being planted each year, even among unreached people groups, as communities are transformed by the power of the Gospel. National Collection Week is November 15-22. To learn more visit samaritanspurse.org/occ

I do hope you’ll make Operation Christmas Child a large part of your family’s holiday plan. This ministry allows us all to play a role in the work God is doing all around the world. I count it such a privilege to pack those boxes each year, and the impact that ministry had on my own children’s hearts as they were growing up was profound. Get more details inside the TTD App or go to samaritanspurse.org/occ

Additional resources:

Our Transform Journal on Thanksgiving in the Psalms is FINALLY back in stock!! Secure your copy now. It’s the perfect time to set your heart on Thanksgiving and to start reaping the spiritual, physical, and emotional benefits that comes along with it!

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