Life Beyond High School | 128

This week, as we’re deep in graduation season, today’s guest has a really pertinent message.  Melanie Kriewaldt from GW Bridge Academy is joining us today to talk all about preparing our graduates for life beyond high school, and she has a great resource that works as a wonderful gift!

Young Christians have a lot of questions: BIG questions about life, love, the Bible, God, and so much more. At Summit Ministries, we give high school and college students a place to explore these big ideas with today’s leading Christian thinkers. If you want your kids to become more confident in their faith, send them to a Student Conference with Summit this summer. The time is now! Give your child an unshakeable faith that can withstand the challenges of today’s world. Visit summit.org 

Additional Resources:

Order your copy of the book “Dear Graduate: A Checklist for Life after High School” by clicking HERE.

GW Bridge Academy has combined civics and economics curriculum into a handbook for
high school seniors that includes topics such as preparing taxes, basic investing, checking credit history, and much more. Find out more information HERE

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