Teaching the Bible at Home – Danika Cooley
Speaker: Danika Cooley • Thinking Kids Press Session Title: Teaching the Bible at Home The Bible is a big book, and sometimes it can be confusing for adults. Is it really possible to teach the Bible to our kids at home? Yes! Not only can you do this, it’s the most important thing you can […]
Created Be Creators – Penny Mayes
Speaker: Penny Mayes • Take Time For Art Session Title: Created to Be Creators Because we are created in the image of God, we are actually created to be creators. Join us as we visit some of the artists of the Bible and discover the importance of creativity in our lives and homeschools. We’ll […]
The Compelling Case for Homeschooling – Mike Donnelly
Speaker: Michael Donnelly • HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) Session Title:A Compelling Case for Home Education Are you curious about home education but not sure if you’re ready to make the commitment? Do you have a friend or family member who says you’re crazy if you homeschool? Join Mike to see why homeschooling may […]
The Lifestyle of a Charlotte Mason Homeschool – Dollie Freeman
Speaker: Dollie Freeman • The Charlotte Mason Way Session Title: The Lifestyle of a Charlotte Mason Homeschool Discover the lifestyle secrets that can be unlocked from the popular quote, “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life” as Dollie Freeman shares practical advice from her 20 years experience with this method of learning. While adopting […]
Connecting with Your Children Through Singing Together – Katie Sutton
Speaker: Katie Sutton • Come Sing Together (comesingtogether.com) Session Title: Connecting with Your Children Through Singing Together Music and song have long been in the educator’s tool belt, but parents, too, can harness these powerful tools to make lasting and worthwhile memories with their children. As we connect with our children through song, we are […]
5 Intentional Ways to Connect With Your Child – Jessica Anderson
Speaker: Jessica Anderson Session Title: 5 Intentional Ways to Connect with your Child You can download additional materials to go with your workshop today by clicking here. Bio: Jessica Anderson of Intentional in Life is a former elementary teacher with a masters degree in Counseling Psychology. She’s a follower of Christ, devoted wife to […]
How to Help Your Wiggly Kids Learn – Sharon Fisher
Speaker: Sharon Fisher Session Title: How to Help Your Wiggly Kids Learn How can you teach anything to a child who won’t sit still? Enjoy some fun, inexpensive techniques that will help your wiggly learners become more focused and help make teaching less frustrating! Bio: Sharon Fisher is a wife, mother, and grandmother who has […]
Kindergarten at Home – Carisa Hinson
Speaker: Carisa Hinson Session Title: Kindergarten at Home Want to teach Kindergarten at home? Learn from a former Kindergarten teacher who has homeschooled Kindergarten with all three of her children. Bio: Carisa, a former public school Kindergarten teacher, NEVER thought she would ever homeschool her children! She and her husband Frank began homeschooling out of […]
Understanding the Different Methods of Teaching – Faithe Thomas
Speaker: Faithe Thomas Session Title: Understanding the Different Methods of Teaching Textbooks? Videos? Hands-on? What method of teaching is easiest for you? That may not be what is best for your child. Discover the various methods of teaching and which one is best for your child. Bio: Faithe Thomas has homeschooled her daughter since 2008 […]
Seven Keys to a Successful Homeschool – Ruth Adams
Speaker: Ruth Adams Session Title: Seven Keys to a Successful Homeschool Successful endeavors usually take times of planning and establishing priorities and goals. Do you ever pause and consider, what are the core things that are needed in pursuing success in your family’s home education journey?” Busy families can easily find themselves in a frenzy […]
For the Heart of Your Homeschool – Leslie Nunnery
Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Session Title: For the Heart of your Homeschool Homeschooling is a great thing. It provides the finest quality, tailored education your children can have, and it gives you the opportunity to build relationships, explore the world together, and so much more. But, homeschooling is not an end in itself. Rather, homeschooling is […]