A Charlotte Mason Plant Study: Give it time, it will grow on you – Jasmine Lucero
Speaker: Jasmine Lucero Session Title: A Charlotte Mason Plant Study: Give it time, it will grow on you Learn why plant studies are an important part of a child’s education and how to study plants in a way that will captivate your child’s heart! Bio: Jasmine Lucero is an herbalist and homeschooling mother of eight […]
Preparing Now for College Writing Success – Lynn Lease
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Teaching Reluctant Readers and Writers – Karen Johnson Bateman
Is your student less than enthused about reading and writing? Join Karen Johnson Bateman for some tips and ideas to inject some fun into your English curriculum. We will discuss out of the box creative approaches to reading and writing that will inspire your elementary and middle school student. Being comfortable with writing is […]
Dealing with the DARK SIDE of History – Linda Lacour Hobar
Speaker: Linda Lacour Hobar • The Mystery of History Session Title: Dealing with the DARK SIDE of History Does the dark side of history get you down? Unsettled by the morbid details? Fear not! The gloom and doom of world history can be a valuable and effective tool for teaching life lessons and reaching the […]
IRL Math: Math in Real Life – Andrea Hall
Speaker: Andrea Hall Session Title: IRL Math – Math in Real Life When will we ever use this?!” is the common questions for students when it comes to math. While there are many math problems a student may never use in the real world, students will be amazed as to how often they use math […]
How to Teach Spelling – Cynthia L. Simmons
Speaker: Cynthia L. Simmons • Heart of the Matter Radio Session Title: How to Teach Spelling We use our visual memory when we learn to spell. Cynthia will show ways to build the visual memory and enhance or remediate spelling skills. Bio: Cynthia L Simmons and her husband have five grown children and reside in […]
Developing and Drafting an SEP- Student Education Plan – Krisa Winn
Speaker: Krisa Winn Session Title: Developing and Drafting an SEP- Student Education Plan Does your child have a learning disability or severe special needs? Have you pulled your child out of public school where he used to have an IEP (individual education program)? Participants of this workshop learn the purposes and benefits of writing […]
Quick Start Guide For This New Homeschool Year – Leslie Nunnery
Quick Start Guide For This New Year Of Homeschooling from Teach Them Diligently Convention on Vimeo. Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Session Title: Quick Start Guide For This New Homeschool Year ‘Tis the season to head into homeschool or back to homeschool, and there are some pretty easy ways to make sure that you have the best […]
Visualizing History: Increasing Reading Comprehension and Independent Learning Through Visuals and Hands-on Projects -Penny Mayes
Speaker: Penny Mayes • TAKE TIME FOR ART Session Title: Visualizing History: Increasing Reading Comprehension and Independent Learning Through Visuals and Hands-on Projects We all know that visuals and hands-on are fun, but did you know that research not only supports these methods but also recommends them over other learning methods? Are visuals and hands-on […]
5 Steps to a Superior Science Education – Jeannie Fulbright
Speaker: Jeannie Fulbright • Jeannie Fulbright Science Session Title: 5 Steps to a Superior Science Education There is a reason that American school children score at the very bottom on international science assessments. It is the ineffective way in which science is taught in schools. Most of us were subjected to this system and […]
Curriculum 911: What to Do When Homeschool Isn’t Going Well – Kim Sorgius
Speaker: Kim Sorgious • Not Consumed Session Title: Curriculum 911: What To Do When Homeschool Isn’t Going Well So maybe you’re not quite ready to give up, but if you’re being honest you have to admit that the curriculum you choose doesn’t always go so well. In this session, Kim will share practical ways to […]
Why and How to Create Your Own Unit Studies – Leah Courtney
Speaker: Leah Courtney • As we Walk Along The Road Session Title: Why and How to Create Your Own Unit Studies Unit studies can be a very valuable tool for homeschool moms. But what can you do if you can’t find a unit study for a topic or literature book that you love? Create your own […]
Spelling Beyond the Book – Laura Macfarlan
Speaker: Laura Mcfarlan • A Reason For Homeschooling Session Title: Spelling Beyond the Book As our children move up the academic ladder, new subjects are added to their course list, and others – like spelling and grammar – are left behind. But the necessity of leaving those subjects off the schedule may not mean […]
Homeschooling: The Making of Theodore Roosevelt – Charlene Notgrass
Speaker: Charlene Notgrass • Notgrass History Session Title: Homeschooling: The Making of Theodore Roosevelt Theodore and Mittie Roosevelt homeschooled their children in New York City in the 1860s and 1870s. One of them grew up to become President of the United States. The story of the Roosevelt family will inspire your homeschool journey with […]