Leaving a Legacy

Many of you know that for my kid’s sixteenth birthdays, I always journal through a Bible on their behalf. I pray specifically for insight into their hearts; and I write personal notes, tips, things I’m learning, and more as I go through the pages of scripture over about a 2 year period. It’s been one of the greatest privileges of my adult life, and I’m working on my fourth and final Bible for my children right now.

Currently, I’m reading through Acts in Lila’s Bible. I always love reading through that exciting book, but a few days ago, God really got my attention about something in a new way that I believe is profoundly impactful for us as parents.

For those of you who may not be familiar with that book of the Bible, the book of Acts recounts the happenings in the early church as it grew from the time of Jesus’ ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to eventually spread across the entire known world. It’s an amazingly exciting account of God’s working through men and women of faith whom we’re told in Acts 17:6 “turned the world upside down.” It’s amazing to read!

A few days ago, I was writing in Lila’s Bible about those incredible stories and drawing attention to the fact that God was using ordinary men and women to do extraordinary things that we still talk about today. They left a legacy behind them. I reminded her and myself that we serve the same God Who is able to use us powerfully as well to impact our world just like those early believers did—by influencing those whom God brought across their paths even when severe persecution forced them to leave their homes behind.

God stopped me right there as I wrote—”leaving a legacy“… “serving the same God“… seeing my mission the way God sees it”: as part of His story to turn the world I live in upside down.

Now, If you ask me what I most want to do as a mom, I’d tell you without a moment’s hesitation that it’s to raise children who know and love Jesus and love people for the sake of His name. Second to that is that I want to prepare them well to walk boldly through whatever door God opens for them in the days ahead.  Everything I’ve done from the time my children were born was truly for this purpose. I want to leave a legacy of faith that stretches on when I’m long gone.

God, by His grace, called me to homeschool them many years ago knowing that I would have so much more time to invest in them and to prepare them than I would if they were in any other educational setting. I’ll never be able to thank Him enough for that.

If you’re reading this email, God has likely called you to do likewise. Do you see the opportunity you’ve been given? Can you imagine what God will do in the days ahead if you walk with your mission in view?

Even bigger than our individual family legacies that we’re passing on to our children, though, can you even imagine what God wants to do with thousands and thousands of families who are taking on the mantle to train our children well and to teach them diligently to love the Lord their God with all their hearts? We have even bigger numbers today than the early church had, and God used them to turn the world upside down!

David and I have prayed since the very first day God called us to start Teach Them Diligently that He would use it to spark a revival movement within His people. We had no idea how He would work in individual families through the years and how He would use them to reach their neighborhoods, communities, and even to the uttermost parts of the world. Families are growing together, and families are serving together. Ordinary believers are leaving a legacy of faith that should the Lord tarry I pray many will talk about long after we’re gone.

So, how can you position yourself to join God where He’s working and to leave a legacy of faith behind you?

1.  Be in God’s Word every day. You can’t pass on an active, living faith if you aren’t growing in your own faith as a parent.  We have reading groups in TTD365 to help keep you accountable if you’re looking for accountability. We’d love to have you join us there.

2.    Talk about what God is teaching you.  “Teach Them Diligently”  happens in the in-between times as you naturally but intentionally share your faith and your walk with God with your children. The Teach Them Diligently book goes through this in detail.

3.     Look for ways for your family to get involved in the lives of others. The one downside to being a Christian homeschool family is that it’s easy to get insulated. We can easily find ourselves in situations where we never see or talk to anyone who doesn’t know the Lord and walk in the way we do. So, prayerfully look for ways that you and your family can share the love of Jesus with others. Perhaps it’s by taking cookies out to neighbors to start a conversation. Maybe it’s helping with some yard work or picking up groceries for an older member of your community. One of the best ways you can disciple your children is for them to see you serving others and getting the opportunity to serve alongside you.

It’s truly that simple!  The same God Who was at work when the book of Acts was written can use your normal interactions with people right where you are to turn the world upside down as well. That’s the legacy I imagine we’d all love to leave behind.

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