This week, we’re going to be follow up on an article David wrote for our Homeschool Subjects email on Sunday night all about what we refer to as camp decisions– or those decisions you make in a mountain top environment that we sometimes get discouraged about as we try to implement or keep them once we’re back in our normal arena. We have some strategies for you no matter what mountain top experience you’re coming off of, whether it be a homeschool event, revival at your church, or just a time when the Lord has been working in your life and in your family.
If you don’t already receive our Sunday night Homeschool Subjects email, I encourage you to check that out. It’s totally free, and we believe that the 15 minutes or less that it will take you to read it over and check out the resources and links we share there will jump start you week and get you off on the right foot each time. Plus, once you sign up, you can share homeschool Subjects with your friends using your unique referral link to earn fun homeschool swag beginning with just 1 referral.
Go to to learn more and sign up today.
Additional Resources:
You can find more information and the blog post from this weeks article of “Homeschool Subjects” by clicking HERE.
Heartschool is an amazing resource created by Leslie Nunnery that equips parents both in their homeschool and parenting journey by focusing on the most important role we have in our children’s lives. Click HERE to find more information.
David Nunnery has written the Transform Journal intended to walk you through 40 days of participation. In the Bible, 40 is the number of transformation. Whenever 40 is mentioned in the Bible, it is an indication of transformation. Click HERE to find out more information and order yours today!