Homeschool Family Favorites Top 10 Elementary Math Curriculums

Homeschool Family Favorites is one of the best tools available when it comes to finding a curriculum for your homeschool. We compile a list of all of the best curriculums based on your votes! We have tallied the votes for this year and are now delivering our top ten best homeschool curriculums for each subject.

Homeschool Parents across the country have voted and made this amazing list for you. We know that it will be incredibly helpful as you begin this new chapter of your Homeschool. Check out the full Homeschool Family Favorites here!  

When beginning a new school year one constant stress point for every homeschool parent is which curriculum should I use? We at Teach Them Diligently have tried to alleviate some of that stress by putting together our 2023 Homeschool Family Favorites. We polled homeschool parents across the US and asked for them to vote for their favorite curriculum and what we have ended up with is a pretty exhaustive list of the best curriculum. So if you find yourself asking “What is the best Math Curriculum for my elementary student” or “What Math Curriculum should I use”, this list will be a massive help. 

We have an amazing list of some great curriculums and with a subject like math we know that a good curriculum can make the difference between a good year and a bad year. We hope that you find this list helpful as you are making decisions for your school year. To download the full list of all category winners from our Homeschool Family Favorite Click Here

Homeschool Family Favorites Winners

Math Lessons for A Living Educationhttps://www.masterbooks.com/math-lessons-for-a-living-education-series

Master books has put together an excellent  math curriculum keeping with their high standard they keep for all their curriculums. Math Lessons for a Living Education is built to inspire a love for math. Your children will trace a narrative of a set of twins throughout the book in order to help them become enthralled with the subject. This curriculum has one several awards and it is no surprise to see such a high quality curriculum show up as a winner on this list. 

Math-U-See – https://mathusee.com

Math you see aims to create a wonderful environment of learning. Where your kids get the fundamentals of math to aid their progress in other subjects and math courses down the road. Three amazing things about this curriculum are it….

  1. Focuses on mastering fundamental concepts and skills before moving to a new topic 
  2. Allows students to learn at their own pace
  3. Includes resources to meet individual learning needs, from supplemental practice to enrichment activities 

Math-U-See really hammers in a strong foundation for the concepts your kids need to learn, using systematic teaching strategies to help your student commit to their math education. 

Teaching Textbooks – https://www.teachingtextbooks.com/?Click=9171&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIj43DoInt-wIVE8zICh3_ZwMvEAAYASAAEgLfi_D_BwE

Teaching Textbook is a great online curriculum that is an all in one system. They provide fun and interactive lessons and then assign home work problems. With so many characters and lots of interactivity your kid will be hooked on math after a couple lessons. The system grades it self and gives you, the parents the ability to see how it should’ve been done and where your kid messed up so you can teach them and help them improve. 

Teaching Textbooks is now available as an app that works on all devices so no matter where you are teaching textbooks can go with you. 

The Rest of The Top Ten Elementary Math Curriculums:

RANKED #4— The Good and the Beautiful–  www.goodandbeautiful.com

RANKED #5— Saxon Math– www.hmhco.com

RANKED #6— Abeka–  www.abeka.com

RANKED #7— Life of Fred– 


RANKED #8Horizons Math by AOP www.aop.com

RANKED #9— Easy Pease All-In-One Homeschool Math www.allinonehomeschool.com

RANKED #10— Singapore Math– Primary Mathematics–  www.singaporemath.com


2022 Best Homeschool Curriculum Guide

Are you searching for the best homeschool curriculum for your family? Download the 2022 Homeschool Family Favorites guide now.
Find out what curriculum and resources homeschool families are using and which ones they say are their favorites!

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