Finishing the School Year Strong! | 111

Are you having a hard time with the motivation to finish the homeschool year strong? Or, are you looking at all that needs to be accomplished before you call it a year and wondering how you’ll ever make it? If so, then you are definitely in the right spot today. 

On today’s podcast, we are joined by Sharon Fisher, who is a veteran educator, curriculum writer, homeschool mentor and has now started a new role of helping to homeschool her granddaughter. She’s actually experiencing first hand the effects of coming to the end of the year and wondering how you’re going to get it all in can impact a homeschool family, and she has some great encouragement for you to stay focused and keep on keeping on. You’re going to love this practical and encouraging homeschool-focused episode.

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Additional Resources:

Sharon Fisher is a wife, mother, and grandmother who has a passion for encouraging homeschool parents and Christian educators to teach children with excellence and with a biblical worldview. She is currently involved in homeschooling her granddaughter!

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