Announcing the Family Devotion • Discipleship • Bible Memory Guide

Through the years, many parents have asked David and I about family devotions– and even how to approach their own personal devotions. We all know that the best way to grow closer as a family and closer to the Lord is to spend time together in God’s Word, but so often we aren’t sure where to start.

A New Resource For Your Personal Devotions and Your Family Devotions

As part of the Praying for your children series, I mentioned a resource our family used when our children were young, and hundreds of families have asked for it. To make it more widely available, I have taken that series, rewritten it, and added a devotional/discipleship guide to it to help families begin or strengthen the habit of having family devotional time each day.

If you embark with your family on this journey, you will have read and discussed 365 chapters together and worked through the entire Bible narrative chronologically by the end of the year (that can be whatever 365 days you choose!! Note: I purposely didn’t put in months or dates, so none of us would think you could only start on January 1– or so we wouldn’t quit if we got off schedule. I KNOW what kind of “perfectionisms” we homeschool moms tend to battle!) 🙂 Through the Bible memory verse list, you’ll also have the opportunity to memorize up to 120 verses together as a family in the same time frame. Just imagine the difference that adding that much ammunition to your spiritual arsenal could have on your family.

Won’t You Join Us?

We are all called to teach our children diligently and help them learn to love the Lord their God with all their hearts, souls, and minds. I pray that this devotion and  discipleship guide will be a great help to your family, and that you’ll look back on the year you spend in His Word as a year in which God did great and mighty things within your family and in your heart as an individual as well.

Since we started Teach Them Diligently, our daily prayer has been that God would use this ministry to spur revival in the hearts of His families. With this resources, we pray that God will draw your family into even closer fellowship with Him than you have ever been before. Please never hesitate to reach out to us if we can pray with you about something or help you along the way.