
The F.O.R.M. Curriculum

Many parents can struggle with the task of teaching their kids the right way to partner with how God made their bodies. They are constantly having to sift through content that doesn’t align with their values. Our Resources partner with you as the parent so you have complete control of what your kids learn in health. Our mission is to get quality, Biblically-based, health education into the hands of every student in America so they can better serve God and others.

Products / Services

The F.O.R.M. Curriculum is an interactive and animated health curriculum that teaches students how to create lasting habits in their health. Everything is Biblically based so students gain a Biblical worldview when it comes to health. With animated and engaging videos, devotional guides, and turn-key resources it can be a great break from the homeschool grind. You can get a free preview at https://www.formcurriculum.com/homeschool