
Right Stuff Health Ministries, Inc.

Right Stuff Health Ministries (RSHM), Inc. is a family-owned operation in Memphis, TN. Bro. Dr. Franco (Dr. Franco) Taylor, International Health Evangelist, ND, and RSHM’s Chief Operations Officer, believes that so many Christian families have members, including children, who are often ill simply because they fail to use the “right stuff”. He teaches that ‘above all things, God wishes that His people prosper and be in health. . .’ . The right way to achieve that is for God’s Holy Word, the Bible, to be the main right source and resource for instructions on how to be well and stay well, physically and financially. Dr. Franco spreads the good news of all of the right health messages and instructions that are in the Bible during his many seminars, conferences, revivals and consultations. He blesses the masses through teaching on his Spirit-inspired B.I.B.L.E.W.A.Y TO HEALTH, “right stuff” platform: Upon this premise, RSHM operates and flourishes.

Products / Services

Right Stuff Health Ministries (RSHM), Inc. focuses, primarily, on Christians 1) cleaning out their bodies; 2) cleaning up their “wrong” practices that are making them sick and unable to fully function daily, as God has ordained; and 3) staying clean by following biblical dictates on diet and healthy practices. There are many aspects to Dr. Franco’s well-developed, “B.I.B.L.E. W.A.Y to Health” Program, that he will have available to share with the TTD Convention-goers, namely, 1) a custom-designed line of supplemental products, i.e., Clean Sweep Colon Broom and Clean Sweep Body Broom, that have helped people gain/regain and/or maintain optimum health. Dr. Franco teaches that only God can heal a body, but that some powerful products/supplements can assist the body in healing itself, i.e., the Aluva Company also offers such supplements, and they will be available during the Conference. Next, Dr. Franco will also offer instant, mini health consultations, by demand. All in all, Dr. Franco teaches and advocates that “health is not a chance; it is a choice”. So, lastly, if the publication dates are timely, he hopes to have at least two of his books available — THE B.I.B.L.E.W.A.Y. TO HEALTH and the classroom edition, FINDING SUCCESS IN HEALTH THE B.I.B.L.E.W.A.Y (PRESCRIPTIONS FROM THE GREAT PHYSICIAN). Other books and products that are foreseeable may also be available.