
Pure Life Ministries

Pure Life Ministries is fully committed to bringing the hope, healing and restoration found only in Christ to those whose lives have been touched by the leprosy of sexual sin. This has been our aim for over 35 years, as we’ve ministered to thousands of Christian men and women through our counseling programs and teaching resources. These decades of experience – combined with the unwavering belief that God’s Word has the solution for all man’s problems – have given us deep insight into the roots of sexual addiction and how to achieve freedom and restoration.

Products / Services

The Pure Life Residential Program – Our flagship, 9-month counseling program has a long history of success for good reason. Our students are separated from familiar sources of temptation, placed in an atmosphere full of the presence of God, and discipled by trained biblical counselors who have their own testimony of victory.

The Overcomers At-Home Program – Early on we realized that there were many men and women who sincerely desired freedom but whose circumstances made the Residential Program an unrealistic option for them. Others had problems with sexual sin that hadn’t yet digressed into out-of-control behavior. This 16-week counseling program was developed with them in mind.

At-Home for Wives – The exposure of a husband’s sexual sin leaves a wife feeling devastated and perplexed. In this very vulnerable season of her life, it is an invaluable opportunity to be able to confide in a godly woman who has been through this same painful experience herself. Our 12-week Wives Program pairs the hurting wife with a trained biblical counselor, anchors her in the truth of God’s Word, and provides her with a safe atmosphere to work through the painful issues at hand.

Printed Resources – Our books are time-tested and anchored in biblical truth and the testimony that freedom over sexual sin is possible in Christ! Whether you are a man in sexual sin, a struggling woman, a devastated wife, or a hurting parent, pastor or counselor looking for answers to help others, our printed resources have what you need.

Digital Resources – Whether it’s our YouTube channel, our Smartphone app, the Purity for Life podcast, or our weekly sermons, all of our digital resources are excellent whether you are seeking freedom from sin, or a deeper walk with God.