
Portals Education

Portals is a literature-to-project based program designed to provide resources and support to parents who are seeking a Christ-centered education for their students. Portals provides flexible daily lesson plans in all subjects, Kindergarten through 12th grade, as well as a 9-5 call-in center with live support. Portals’ goal is to save parents time, so they can spend it building character, family, and faith. Learn more by visiting our website, or by calling (612) 356-7376.

Products / Services

Portals brings together the best resources in education to equip parents with daily lesson plans that teach a biblical worldview through the use of great classic literature, thought-provoking questions, and engaging project ideas. Our homeschool support team is always ready to assist with any questions, or provide ongoing support throughout the year. Parents can personalize their reading materials by ordering through the Portals book order or explore the curated book lists available upon subscription to find titles at a reduced price, or free at their local libraries.