
Men’s Alliance

Tribal. Rugged. Real.
The high-octane fuel additive for your local church

Men’s Alliance is Tribes of men across the nation meeting weekly for rugged, outdoor workouts, and real-world devotions around a fire.

It’s time to reject isolation. Reject the lie that comfort will make you happy. And reject the facade of everything being fine.

Our mission is: Sharpening men to become the husbands, fathers, and leaders God designed us to be.

Products / Services

Men’s Alliance is a discipleship program that unapologetically promotes biblical masculinity. We reject comfort and isolation, calling men to be the husbands, fathers, and leaders God designed them to be.

Through rugged workouts and real-world devotions around a fire, we strengthen men physically but more importantly spiritually.

Men’s Alliance offers life-changing experiences that transform men to grow their faith, marriages, and help them with purpose.

Men need a tribe. Men need challenge. Men’s Alliance exists to sharpen men and build Ambassadors for Christ.