
Excalibur Solutions STEM Academy

The Excalibur Solutions STEM Academy™ believes all students should have access to quality STEM education opportunities. Because basic computer literacy is no longer enough to adequately prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs, students who have hands-on experience with computer programming and engineering will be best equipped to succeed in our technology-driven society.  Much of the technology we see and use every day seems almost like magic. At the Excalibur Solutions STEM Academy, we strive to pull back the curtain to expose how these things work. We then show how to recreate or simulate parts of these often complex systems with relatively simple and inexpensive components coupled with just a bit of computer programming. Along the way, students develop skills in critical thinking, logical reasoning, and problem solving.

Products / Services

The Excalibur Solutions STEM Academy™️ creates authentic and engaging lessons and activities which teach concepts drawn from computer science and electrical engineering. We offer subscriptions to an online content library where students work at their own pace and according to their own interests. Live classes taught by our qualified instructors are also available for those who prefer a more interactive learning environment. We explore devices and technologies from the real-world, encouraging students to develop both systems-level thinking and an inquiry mindset. We make explicit connections to other core subject areas like math and science. Our content is appropriate for students in upper elementary, middle, and high school, and is designed to continue to challenge them as their skills develop.