Encouragement for the Homeschool Journey | 179

We are pleased to welcome Rebecca Kocsis to the podcast. Leslie met Rebecca when we were doing an event in California this fall, and she enjoyed the fellowship they shared so much that she couldn’t wait to have her on the show. Rebecca is a homeschool veteran, having graduated all 5 of her children and having served on the board of the Christian Home Educators Association of California for many years. She has so much wisdom and help to share!

Meet the Guest:

Rebecca Kocsis and her husband homeschooled all five of their children, graduating their youngest in 2006 from their homeschool. They are now the proud grandparents of an ever-growing tribe of energetic boys and girls (12 to date) who are their greatest delight. Rebecca served for 15 years as a private school satellite program administrator and for several years on CHEA’s Regional Advisory Board. Today she is still passionate about private home education and helping families homeschool. In addition to serving on CHEA’s board of directors she has also serves as General Manager. She is the author of the devotional booklet Let Not Your Feathers Be Ruffled. You can find out more about CHEA HERE

Podcast Sponsor:

Today’s podcast is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs, which  is a nonprofit missions organization that serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to follow Christ. In partnership with Teach Them Diligently, VOM is offering listeners a free Global Prayer Guide! This full-color prayer guide, with summaries of the restricted nations and hostile areas where VOM works, will help you pray more specifically for persecuted Christians. You can use that guide to follow along with our weekly Taste and See prayer and geography guide for families that will be featured in our Homeschool Subjects emails each week, beginning January 8th. Visit teachthemdiligently.net/vom to request your FREE copy of VOM’s Global Prayer Guide today and then make praying for our brothers and sisters all around the world part of your family’s regular devotion time.

Homeschooling for the Heart, How Amazing Parents Become Excellent Home Educators. It’s available now in digital form for only $5, and we sincerely believe it will be a great help and encouragement to you as you homeschool and parent your precious children. 

Go to TeachThemDiligently.net/book to learn more and download your copy today. 

We want to hear from you! Submit your podcast questions, topic suggestions, and guest requests and help us make the Teach Them Diligently Podcast great. 

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