Today’s podcast is a really important one for parents with middle school or high school kids especially, as we will be talking to Stephen Buettell all about dual enrollment. Stephen will give us insight about why dual enrollment can be a good idea for your student, what to look for to make sure your student is prepared to be successful as a dual enrollment student, the questions to ask the higher education institutions as you’re considering dual credit and so much more. You don’t want to miss a moment.
Today’s episode is brought to you by Cedarville University, home to more than 4,700 students in southwest Ohio. If your high school student is ready to get a jump-start on earning college credit, Cedarville offers dual enrollment courses that are both academically challenging and biblically faithful. Your homeschooled student can choose from general education or Bible minor courses, or they can even try a course from a major they are interested in. Whatever they choose, they will experience Cedarville’s unique blend of academic excellence with a distinctly Christian worldview. Learn more at