Connie Albers is a dear friend, encourager and partner in ministry! I am thrilled for her to be joining the Homeschooling Family Podcast.
We are going to discuss how, often as women, we are trained to have a career but how do we do that with our children’s best in mind. How do we balance family and our career? This podcast will give you great advice and principles as you walk the road of career and family.
Additional Information:
Connie Albers has written wonderful books for parentings including Parenting Beyond the Rules, Keeping the Heart of Your Teen, and How to Remain Steadfast. You can find at more at her website by clicking HERE.
Follow Connie on Instagram @conniealbers and Facebook.
Have you heard the news?! Teach Them Diligently will be celebrating 10 years in 2022 and we are celebrating in a huge way in Pigeon Forge! Click HERE to sign up today!