By now you may be very well acquainted with your student’s degree completion plan (DCP): the list of classes required for his intended major(s). These plans are available on any college’s website or through their admission office. Within it is listed general education courses (100-200 or 1000-2000 level courses you can CLEP or dual enroll prior to university) and your major-specific courses (300-400 or 3000-4000 level courses in a specific area of study).
What is the purpose of a DCP?
This plan is your best friend as you homeschool through high school! Even if your student plans to conclude his college pursuits at an Associate degree or certificate program, the DCP gives you a strategic plan you can integrate into your homeschool schedule. With it, you can keep track of which courses you want to CLEP or dual enroll. You can discuss transfer credit with destination schools and otherwise keep track of your student’s progress.
Checking In On Progress
This month is a great time to evaluate your student’s progress thus far and compare with the school’s requirements. With only one semester until graduation, this is the time to make plans for any last CLEP tests, community college classes, or online programs that fit with his educational goals.
Come to College With a Plan
Remember, you can obtain a degree completion plan for every university and program your student is considering! This will help you find which program accepts the most transfer credits and thus saves your student the most time and money. If you are new to DCPs, it’s not too late. To start, narrow down your student’s top three college choices (if that’s the route he plans to go). Next, determine which majors of study he is considering. Print out the DCPs for these majors and compare the required general education credits with the dual credit, CLEP, or AP courses he’s already taken. You can check off the classes he’s already done and make a plan for next semester!
If you’re unsure about transfer credit, be sure to talk to the college’s registrar. The registrar will compare your student’s transcript with the required courses in his destination program and let you know an estimate of transfer credit. Be aware that some classes may technically transfer, but may do so as electives, which means your student will still have to take 3-4 years of classes to obtain his degree. Come to the registrar with questions prepared!
Questions? Email [email protected].