One of the many hats a homeschooling mom wears is one of purifier. We are a God-ordained filter for our children. Bouncing off the tarnish of the world and feeding our children the pure milk of God’s truth and love. This is an area many of us struggle since we are often so blind to our own impurities. I think for myself, the more I try to purify things for my children the more the Lord sanctifies me. I see things with different eyes when I think of my children being exposed to them.
22 So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
I think Paul lines out so beautifully how we are to filter what we feed our children. Though we need to balance arming them for the world we also need to ensure they are armed with information while walking in purity.
So flee youthful passions- Oh, our children can be passionate, can’t they? My 11 year old declared to me today that he wanted to collect baseball cards. I asked if he even knew a play. He said yes… Babe Ruth. I know there is something more to this new passion, though I am not yet sure what it is but I met his request with a no. It may not be damaging but it also doesn’t seem profitable. It is a wild, youthful passion. A new love that is made on a whim and gone within weeks or months. Guard your children from some decisions they will soon regret, like $50 on baseball cards.
pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace- This is the fire we should be kindling in their hearts. Show them great examples of these qualities. Wise people they can look to are a must in their lives. Gently show them example of those who do not pursue these things. We all have examples in our lives of people who are not walking with Jesus. Without gossiping, show them how people who do not seek God often seek destruction. Though they think they are going on the right path they have carved out for themselves, if it is not the path of righteousness, faith, love, and peace then it will not lead to the throne of God.
who call on the Lord from a pure heart.- Show them how to call on the Lord. Showing them prayer is the best way to train them in prayer. Showing repentance trains them in repentance. God adores when we approach His throne and what a treasure to do so alongside your children! My 6 year old is God’s biggest cheerleader! When she prays she tells Him how awesome He is, how mighty He is and how much she loves Him. I will hear her speak the spirit of scripture without ever hearing the words of some verses. She has a pure heart with love and adoration for God. I am sure He smiles as she prays each night. Even when she asks for something she finishes it with “And I know that even if you don’t fix it or give it to me that it’s okay because you are awesome and know what I need.” I wish I had her pure heart and I pray she always prays with such purity.
As we walk with our children this school year let us remember that we are their buffer from a lot of hard truths in this world. Let us consciously look for moments to train them in pure hearts. Let us train them to guard their eyes, ears, mouth and thoughts from the impurities of the world while they walk next to us safely. Let the Lord also show us where we must step closer to a truly pure heart.
“Jenn Hoskins is the founder of Mommy Evangelism, a ministry passionate about training moms to share their faith during the precious season of motherhood. She is also cohost of Planet Mommyhood, a YouTube show for moms full of laughter and encouragement. You can find her at and“