Let’s start with the approach that you are most familiar with: traditional approach to homeschooling. Why?
Because you were trained by it.
Most of us are a product of public schools & a traditional, grade-level type education.
Many traditional educators compare it to a factory with a conveyor belt.
Why do I call it a factory?
It’s set up like a factory, so everyone in the class gets the same education, at the same age, from the same textbooks, tested the same way, given a grade based upon the same skill – regardless of their individual interests, talents, goals, or personal mission.
Most traditional textbooks approach school the same way for all students, the “generic” student. Think about that for a minute. Is there really a generic child? All our children are unique, designed by God with gifts, strengths & weaknesses. Homeschooling is the perfect opportunity to give your child a unique education, based on who God made them.
Traditional educators use a scope and sequence to guide them as they teach all students the same way. Usually, a list objectives is given for each of these levels.
Everyone in first grade completes the same body of information. After passing the test station, they proceed to second grade where they all complete the same information. It doesn’t matter what your goals are. It doesn’t matter what interests your children have. Everyone covers the same body of information at the same time.
The students travel down 12 stations (or grades) on they conveyor belt until they receive stamp of approval. At that time, they receive a certificate of completion (degree).
The pros of using a traditional method is you don’t have to plan much, just follow the curriculum. The cons include relying on a curriculum to teach your child, even it’s not the best for you child. The curriculum may not match the needs of your child or your family.
A traditional approach can cause burnout because a homeschool mom has 5-7 different subject for each of their children. If they have 3 children, that’s 15-21 lessons each day. That’s overwhelming.
I used traditional textbooks sparingly in our homeschool. When a body of information needed to be conveyed to one of my kids, we might choose a textbook like Biology, Chemistry or Algebra.
Other than that, I chose a non-traditional approach to homeschooling. Next time, I’ll share the Classical approach to homeschooling.
Kerry Beck homeschooled all three of her children for 10 years. She is now an empty-nester that encourages homeschool moms online and at live workshops. She wants to give you a free ebook: Everything You Wanted to Know About Homeschooling that you can grab by clicking here. She also has a free Passion Week Scripture Reading Schedule for you.