Top 18 Homeschool Blogs as Voted By Teach Them Diligently Families

At long last, we are so excited to announce our first ever Teach Them Diligently top 18 homeschool blogs list as chosen by Teach Them Diligently families and fans!

Some of these bloggers will be at our spring homeschool events, which will provide you a great opportunity to meet them and hear them share their heart in their sessions. This year your family can join us in Nashville, TN; Athens, GA; Rogers, AR; Mobile, AL, Waco, TXColumbus, OH & Denver, CO. We would love to see you there!

Now, without further ado, here is our Teach Them Diligently Top 15 Homeschool Blogger list! 

1. Hip Homeschool Moms

Hip Homeschool Moms is owned by Trish Corlew and Wendy Hilton and is one of the most Vibrant Communities for Homeschooling Families. Check out their website to find lots of information about Homeschooling, Family, and Deals and join the fun in their Facebook Group which boasts a membership of more than 24,000 homeschool moms (and maybe a dad or two!)


2. Confessions of a Homeschooler

Confessions of a Homeschooler is a homeschooling and parenting website authored by Erica Arndt. She offers tons of free printables, educational resources, ideas, and homeschool curriculum. She also shares crafting, DIY projects, recipes, home management tips and more! Feel free to drop by her site for some encouragement on your homeschooling journey and some practical tips to make your days run smoother!

Subscribe to her newsletter when you visit her site to receive Her Top 10 Tips for Getting Started Homeschooling.


3. Kristi Clover

If you are looking for homeschool encouragement and advice, then be sure to check out Kristi Clover over at Raising Clovers.  The heart of Raising Clovers is to provide encouragement for Christian families and inspiration to find “simple solutions for a more joy-filled life.”

From Kristi’s uplifting podcast, Simply Joyful, to her #HomeschoolHacks on Facebook Live every Friday at noon (PST), you’ll see her passion for helping families get organized so they can joyfully live out the life God has for them. Kristi is best known for her organizational tips. She is the creator of the Ultimate Homeschool Organization Course and is currently writing a book on home organization. Kristi also has a brand new book coming out in a few weeks called Homeschool Basics, co-authored with Tricia Goyer.

Kristi offers one of her books, Sanity Savers for Moms, away for free. You can get your free digital copy CLICKING HERE


4. Not Consumed

Not Consumed is a community devoted to helping families live #NotConsumed in life’s big and little circumstances through practical tips and resources for homeschooling, family life, and faith.

Check out Kim’s generous selection of free printables and content on her freebie page.


5. Mary Hanna Wilson

Mary Hanna WilsonMary Wilson, a self-proclaimed homeschool night owl and iced tea addict, details her adventures in life and homeschooling. You can find her videos, tips, and thoughts about homeschooling. She loves the adventures that homeschooling brings from the everyday moments to the big ticket traveling fun! 

6. Read Aloud Revival

It’s hard to connect with our kids in today’s busy, noisy world, but reading aloud gives us a chance to be fully present. At the Read-Aloud Revival we have a program that equips and inspires parents to make meaningful and lasting connections with their kids through stories.

Check out their free book list here.


7. 1 Plus 1 Plus 1 Equals 1

On 1+1+1=1, you will find many free printables for use in your classroom or homeschool, as well as much, much more.

Subscribe to Carisa’s newsletter to be sent freebies, updates, and more. Also, you can access her workshops from Teach Them Diligently events in our membership site, Teach Them Diligently 365.

8. Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers is a blog for homeschool moms. It is full of Bible studies, Encouragement, homeschool how to, and lots of other activities for your family.


 9. Heidi St. John

Heidi St John has delighted tens of thousands of readers through her blog, her Facebook page, and her books. Her transparent style and her rich sense of humor combine to draw her readers into what feels like a very personal conversation over a cup of coffee. Heidi’s ability to bypass our prejudices and preconceptions allows her to speak directly to the heart of every reader as she offers wisdom, inspiration, and grace to those who are all-too-often feeling overwhelmed by all that’s on their plate.  Click here for a free downloadable audio workshop from Heidi just for Teach Them Diligently families!


10. Teach Them Diligently 365

Everyone bemoans the fact that Teach Them Diligently events only last a weekend. With Teach Them Diligently 365, you can get a sense of Teach Them Diligently 365 days a year.

The TTD365 Membership access to all the audio sessions from Teach Them Diligently events 2013-2019, exclusive weekly video content from Leslie Nunnery and Teach Them Diligently speakers, monthly virtual video meetups to allow for fellowship and fun among the members, and private members-only events at Teach Them Diligently events.

A Teach Them Diligently 365 membership is a great way to stay focused and encouraged year-round as you pursue your calling as a homeschool parent.


11. Raising Arrows

 Amy Roberts is “Teaching moms everywhere to simplify the big things so they can enjoy the little things!” Click here for access to Amy’s session on the Perfect Homeschool Schedule as presented at Teach Them Diligently.


12. Simple Homeschool

Never let your schooling interrupt your education


13. Proverbial Homemaker

I’m Tauna! This is me: Jesus follower, wife, mom, homemaker, homeschooler, and writer.



14. Homeschool Creations

At Homeschool Creations, you’ll find free educational printables, helpful tips, and resources for families, encouragement for your homeschool journey, and a homeschool planner to help you get organized.




15. Free Homeschool Deals

Hi, I’m Jamerrill! I help families afford the homeschool life by providing the BEST homeschool freebies, deals, resources, & encouragement since 2012!





16. Awe Filled Homemaker

Laura Prater is a long time military spouse and homeschool mom. Her husband Clay is diagnosed with PTSD and they have been very real and candid in sharing their struggles, triumphs, and hope only found in the Lord.
They are busy also homeschooling their three boys who range in age from teen down to 8. Here at Awe Filled Homemaker, you will find encouragement for the homeschool mom, recipes, Bible Studies, and plenty of printables to encourage you in your homeschool and walk with the Lord. 

17. Simply Living for Him

Simply Living for Him exists to encourage living more simply as we pursue God above all else. Knowing our lives are a reflection of our hearts, Simply Living for Him promotes seeking Him more and the world less, in combination with simplifying life in practical ways.

Join me on my journey to clear the clutter as I am simply living…for Him! I am a homeschooling mom sharing about my faith, family, hobby-farm life, and Jesus. I am also an author, speaker, and podcaster that loves sharing my journey with others- and I am all about keeping it real and authentic! Join me as I seek less of this world, and more of Jesus! Click here to get a free printable of  31 days of praying for your homeschool.


18. The Unlikely Homeschool

Faith-based encouragement for homeschool moms.  Although so blessed to be able to “train up my children” every day…to be the first one to witness the passing of monumental spiritual, physical, and educational milestones…there was a time, that the very idea of homeschooling seemed very unlikely…

All 18 of these websites, and the lovely ladies behind them, provide great resources for your family as you continue on your homeschool journey. We hope you’ll continue to follow the Teach Them Diligently blog as well as checking out some of these for encouragement and helps all year long.