Do your children ever minister to your heart? Bring conviction? Encourage you to keep plugging along? Mine do regularly. Following is a journal entry written yesterday by one of my children. My heart rejoiced to know that this is what’s in his heart. May we all see as clearly as this young one!
“Christmas is important because Christ left a palace and Heaven and angels and God to be born in a manger in the little town of Bethlehem. When the wise men brought Him presents, they were nothing compared to the gift that was in the manger. Jesus came and chose to live around dirty rotten sinners and die for us. And all we have to do is ask. God’s love is greater than any other. From the manger to the cross, God is an amazing God. From Old Testament to New Testament, God never ceases to amaze me. Jesus’ story is like no other.”
Wishing you a day where you never cease to be amazed by the goodness and greatness of our wonderful God!