Best Gift For a Husband
Several years ago, I learned about the best gift I could give my husband. Truly, it is the best gift for any husband. I learned about the power of prayer.
I grew up in a broken home, a working Mom, a father who lived in another town, a brother who was killed when I was very young and another brother who was 7 years older than me. That made me (by the standards of some) an only child and a firstborn. That also made me a child like many others in society – growing up as a latchkey child
That also meant I grew up without seeing what a biblical marriage looked like.
Now, my parents loved me and my Dad, who is still alive, loves me dearly. I have been blessed to have relationships with both of my parents and know that their love for me and my brother(s) was not diminished due to their divorce. For that, I am so incredibly thankful and blessed.
While I did not grow up witnessing a Biblical marriage, I did grow up watching my Mother pray.
Her prayers planted seeds in my heart that began to sprout a few years ago. Those sprouts lead me to begin my own prayer life. When it began, I lived over a thousand miles from my Mother. I was lonely and needed guidance. One day, I went to a bookstore and discovered The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie OMartian. This book truly began a journey that I was unaware of until recently.
I knew I needed to pray. I knew I needed to change. Honestly, when I picked up that book, it was more about me wanting my husband to change – than me. I was so young and naive, I thought “If he would just change, I would be happy.” Well, God knew I needed a heart change, a pride-check and I needed to learn a few lessons.
Two of the very first things I learned and that I have kept close to my heart were (and are):
- Praying for my husband does not give me power over him – “it’s laying down all claim to power in and of myself and relying on God’s power to transform me, my husband and my circumstances in my marriage.” (pg 13)
- It is the ‘ultimate love language’. “Something happens when we pray for another person. The hardness melts. We become able to get beyond the hurts, and forgive. We even end up loving the person we are praying for… When you pray for your husband, the love of God will grow in your heart for him. Not only that, you’ll find love growing in his heart for you, without him even knowing you are praying.” (29)
Yes, prayer is the ultimate gift to our husbands, children, friends, family and even those you consider your enemies.
So, if you want to give your husband the very best gift you can give him this Father’s Day – give him the gift of prayer. You will grow in ways you never imagined. God will transform you and you will awake to a world full of need and a desire to be a prayer warrior.
Print your Pre-made prayer cards here and your blank prayer cards here
I have created a few prayers based on scripture for you to pray over your husband. Here are some ways you can use them.
- Print and cut them out. (Laminate them if you can). Read them and begin praying the prayers.
- Give copies to your husband in his lunch bag. Surprise him with these special ways you are praying for them.
- Create your own prayers for him (I have provided blanks for you to write your own)
- Use index cards to write out prayers for him and keep them in a recipe box based on topic or date. (don’t forget to date the card and identify when you see God changing you and your husband based on those prayers.
- Identify your own way for praying for your husband.
Don’t forget to take care of your own prayer needs. You can still print the Mother’s Day Prayer Journal. It’s not just for Mother’s Day, it’s for any day of the year.
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