
Timely Tips for Surviving the Winter Homeschool Blues

The holidays are almost over, and today is the first day of winter.  Schoolwork and school days seem to extend farther into the future than you can see. The days ahead seem like they are dragging on for what seems forever. That’s when you need  tips for surviving the winter homeschool blues.

Sometimes it is good to take a break from routine and do some winter activities that are different from the norm:  hands-on and imaginative.

Take a Walk

On a nice cold day, put the books to the side, bundle everyone up, and go outside for a walk. This activity is great for any age student. At the beginning of the walk, ask the children to find 3 items that represent winter. If they are small, allow the kids to pick up the items, such as acorns, and bring them home. If they are large, use your phone to capture them in pictures .

Once the walk is over, have the students empty their pockets and look at the pictures. Discuss their finds.

Other Winter Nature Activities:

Snowflake Unit Study

Hibernation Unit Study

Studying Trees in the Winter

Preschool: Winter Salt Tray

Indoor Activities for Preschoolers

Snowman Activities for Kids

The Science of Snow

Arctic Mini-World

Nature Study Ideas for January

23 Ice Crafts, Activities, and DIY Decorations for Winter Fun

20 Winter Science Activities

Winter Lacing Cards

Coffee Filter Snowflakes

Oil Pastel Winter Tree Art Project

Snowball Paint Art

Snowman Art for Preschoolers

7 Indoor Activities for Toddlers

Holiday Activities Jar

Winter Activities

Pine Branch Printing

Igloo Craft

Puffy Paint Snowman

Snow Slime Recipe

Winter Playdough

Crystallized Snowflakes

MORE Winter Activities…..

Surviving the Winters Blues with Something Yummy

You know all of those cookbooks you have on the shelf? Give each of your students a cookbook,  and ask them to find one new recipe to try. As they pour over the pages, talk about different ingredients, types of foods, ways to cook, and measurement. Once they have chosen their recipes, see what items you need to buy at the grocery store.

Have each child write a list and be responsible for finding each item. Plan a special evening with the family and create each recipe. Get out the table cloth and candles. It might be the strangest, and most fun, meal you’ve ever eaten!

Marshmallow Snowmen

hot chocolate

Snow-Inspired Recipes for Kids

60+ Recipes to Warm up Kids During the Winter

Hot Lunch Ideas for Kids

Melted Snowman Cookies

12 Warm Drinks for Kids

Surviving the Winter Blues With Printables

Because we school at home, we have the option to do fun activities that teach great content. Whether you have tiny tots, elementary kids, or middle schoolers, you can find fun printables that can help spruce up the dull grey days of winter.

Winter Time Fun Pack

Winter Time Math Activity Pack

Winter Learning Fun with Lapbooks

Winter Printables

Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Sequencing

Snowflake Counting

Winter ABC Sorting Cards

Winter Spelling Mats

So You Want to Make a Snowglobe?

Number Word Worksheets – Hot Cocoa!

Arctic and Antarctic Unit Ideas

Winter Counting Mats

Snowman Activities for Preschoolers

Winter Charades Printable

Comparing Numbers: Ping Pong Ball Toss

Winter Word Search Printable

Round Up of Winter Printables

Snowman Dot Printables

Penguin Dot Printables

Penguin Sudoku Printables

Winter Printable Pack

Winter Adult Coloring Pages

In the Bleak Mid-Winter Printable Pack

Suriving the Winter Blues at the Library

A change of scenery can make all the difference. Take the schoolbooks, drive to your local library, and find a nice corner. If your library is like mine, you have computers at your disposal, as well as, all kind of wonderful books. As your students finish their schoolwork, allow them to choose books and find a fun game on the computer to play.

Ice Skating Books

Snowman Picture Books

Do You Want to Dress a Penguin?

All You Need for a Snowman

20 Books About Arctic Animals

100 Winter Books Recommended by Moms

Winter and Snowman Books

Warm Winter Reads (Kids and Teens)

Books About Snow

Winter can be cold, dreary, and slow. But if you tweak your schedule just a bit, spring will seem as though it is  right around the corner! We hope you enjoy our tips for surviving the winter homeschool blues!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor, closeup and nature

Anne Marie has a Masters Degree in Education with a focus on Christian Education. She is the author of the blog Future.Flying.Saucers. Anne Marie has a passion for biblically equipping parents and teachers so children can fly for Jesus. On Wednesday nights you will find her teaching Biblical concepts to Awana clubs at her church. All of her Awana and Bible lessons can be found on her blog. You can connect with her on Facebook and Pinterest.

This article was originally published on our Homeschool Launch Blog.

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