Praying Over Your Homeschool Plan

Prayer for our homeschoolSummer is Here

Summer is well under way and as we enjoy lazy days and fun outings, planning is always at the back of this homeschool mama’s mind. I mull over ideas, plans and goals in my head and search for pockets of time to get these things down on paper. It can consume my time because I want to steer my children’s education on a sure course. I take my job as a mother and teacher seriously. As I have been pondering our goals for the upcoming school year, I began to be aware of the importance of making sure that my goals line up with God’s goals for my family.

Goals are Important

It is very helpful to have goals and a plan, but if we are not aligned to God’s will, our plans will not succeed and make an impact for eternity. I am beginning now to pray over my goals and ideas and ask God to change them if they are not His best for our family this year. Goals give us direction and help tame the chaos in our homeschool by giving us a focus. However, God brings divine interruptions to our homeschool from time to time  –  the sister-in-law who calls and is in labor, the neighbor who needs a favor, the church member who needs help with an event, the flooded basement, the broken appliance requiring several days of deviation from the regular routine. Do we view these interruptions to our plan as God-ordained or annoying.chaos order sign


Invite God into your Plans

I am trying to be realistic this year with my plans and add margin for error into our day so that we can enjoy and savor the God-designed changes to my plans and goals. I want to cultivate an environment where the Holy Spirit is welcome and I can think clearly and hear His voice. I want to daily invite Him into our homeschool. I am learning to let go and let God. Flexiblilty and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit will be key to hold on to the mindset of interruptions being sent my way from God. He has much for this mama to learn from homeschooling. Much of my spiritual growth can be tied to marriage and family conflict in my life. I am learning from life’s lessons how God wants me to walk this journey called life. As you begin to set your sights on the new school year, make sure that you take time to get on your knees and pray for your homeschool. God wants to be a vital part of your goals and plans for your family.

Bio photo JSA

Jennifer Allen is a homeschool graduate, wife to her soulmate David (who also contributes to the blog), homeschooling mom, registered nurse, AWANA teacher, pianist, reader and lifelong learner. She can be found on her little corner of the web at conversaving.com. The person on the street would define “conversaving” as the act of easing the discomfort of someone left out of a conversation by including them in the dialogue.  “Conversaving” the blog seeks to do the same thing, by relieving the awkward silence across the Internet of those seeking a real place to engage in constructive conversations about news, family,homeschooling, saving money, etc.  Sprinkle in some laughs, tears, personal stories and curriculum reviews and you have the recipe for Conversaving.com!