Before our children were even conceived, David and I had lofty goals for them.
We have always prayed that God would use each one of them to turn the world upside down for Jesus. We have prayed that they would be able to stand strong, be secure in what they believe, yet be humble enough to serve. We have prayed that all their actions would spring from a heart that loves Jesus Christ supremely and that His love would be evident in every aspect of their lives.
Then, several years ago, God burdened my heart that I was not praying His Word over them like I should, so I started looking for resources and verses that I could use during my prayer time to help organize my thoughts and to make sure I was praying God’s will for them. I have notebooks full of notes, verses, and prayers that I have prayed for them — and for my husband, myself and many others for that matter.
Then not long ago, I decided to compile many of those verses into an easy-to-fold booklet, so I could put it inside the cover of my Bible and any other book I am reading. The result has been a great help to me! I even keep a copy on my treadmill and pray parts of it for my children each time I walk or run there.
Since I compiled this list, I have added several new points and verses as I have continued my study. I hope this resource is a blessing to you as well, and I hope you will continue to add your own verses to mine and that you will be amazed at the way God answers these specific prayers in the lives of your own children!
I am eager to work through these verses together on the blog in the coming weeks as we look deeply into what praying for our children should look like. There is a battle raging, and our children are high value targets to the evil one. Just imagine, though, what an entire generation of children who truly love God with all their hearts, souls and minds can do in this world! I pray this prayer guide will be as much of a help to you and your family as it has been to me and mine.
We’d love to help you as you give your children to the Lord daily. Download our free printable prayer guide to begin.
What verse or verses do you find yourself praying for your children most often? Please share your favorites in the comments below.
Just like you, we know how important prayer is for homeschool families. Be sure to check out our other prayer resources for more tips.