Do you ever feel like everything is upside down and inside out in the world around you? Do you struggle with how to talk to your children about the brutal persecution of believers around the world or the craziness of policies and happenings in our own land. Do you find yourself becoming nervous or insecure, allowing fear to replace faith? All around us are wonderful opportunities to help our children see the powerful hand of God at work. Though we may not always understand His ways, we can know His heart and His character and trust Him in all circumstances.

Oh, dear friend, in these days of chaos and craziness, we must remember Jesus’ words in John
16:33, “
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
This is a season to take heart. This is a season to rest in our powerful Father’s embrace and trust that no matter what we see, HE has overcome the world. We know the end of the story, remember– GOD WINS! His People WIN! (Check out the book of Revelation for the exciting conclusion.)
This is a season to fall on our knees and pray!
The Apostle Paul reminded us to be anxious for nothing but to take everything to God in prayer. Philippians 3 is where we find that comforting passage– yet Philipians 3 finds Paul in a Roman prison- in a day when things were definitely upside down and inside out. The world Paul knew was governed by a total madman, Nero. He soon would have Paul executed, along with many, many others. Yet Paul rejoiced. Paul, even in prison, claimed “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.”
Can we?
Can we take all the craziness and injustice we see around us here in the US and around the world and lay them at Jesus’ feet? Can we trust that greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world? Can we tell our children that all will be well regardless of whether it turns out like we would like to see it, because one day every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess that Jesus Christ is Lord?
Can we spend time on our knees every day praying for our own country, which was once a leader in world missions and now is full of barren mission fields itself? Can we pray for our leaders who are faced with problems so large that it should clearly illuminate to them their need of God, yet many don’t see it?
Can we pray for God to revive His church in our land, so that many may hear the great news of the Gospel? Can we pray that that revival will lead to another even greater Great Awakening in America and across the globe?
Will you pray?
We are told in 2 Chronicles
7:14 “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Our land is NOT too far gone for God to heal it, for God is way more powerful than we can even fathom. Oh believer, won’t you join with us and pray that God will forgive and heal. Won’t you pray with us for revival? (And let us not forget that part of that praying has to include turning from our own wicked ways and humbly seeking God’s forgiveness ourselves.)
Precious, powerful Father. Thank You that You are greater than he that we see at work all around us. Thank You that You have the power to heal and to revive. Thank You that You WANT to hear from us– You WANT us to humble kneel before you and intercede for our land and our leaders. Revive Your people, we pray. May we become salt and lights again, making a very hungry and downcast world thirsty for what they have been rejecting for so long. May all praise and glory go to You! Amen.
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