Silent night, holy night.
All is calm. All is bright.
I don’t know about you, but, nothing about the month of December looks like silent or calm in my household. Running out the door for yet another gathering, running by the grocery store – even as you are already late – forgetting the holiday treat you were supposed to bring with you, rifling through closets in your home looking for the lost mitten, trying to decide if there is money enough left to buy grandma a gift. The chaos can be overwhelming during the Christmas season.
Friends, it really and truly does not have to be that way! The past few years God has been showing me that with a little intentional change on our parts, our Christmas season can be much more enjoyable.
Isn’t the birth of our Savior worth our efforts in being more intentional?
The biggest way for me to be intentional throughout the craziness of December is to learn to say NO.
Yes, say no.
Why is that so hard for us to do? All of these fabulous activities and parties and programs look so amazing – and THEY ARE. There is goodness in each of the things I’m choosing from. But, as you head into this month, or even before it starts, ask yourself, what is most important for my family this Christmas? Is what you want most to run around somewhere different every evening? If that is what you want for your family, then make your plans, move forward and accept that it might be a little crazy. 🙂
But, for me, I know I begin to get very stressed when I have too many places to be in one week’s time. I have simply learned that for me {and my sanity} and for the sanity of my family, I must pick and choose the things that are going to best lead my family and I to Jesus this month.
As you are making your plans for December, ask yourself WHY this certain event is important. Be intentional about your goals as a family and what you want your children to remember most about Christmas.
After you’ve decided to cut a few events from the calendar, then it’s time to be intentional about ADDING IN moments of peace to your day/week. But, practically speaking, how do we do this? My biggest piece of advice is to keep it simple.
Y’all. I am a former kindergarten teacher. I love to do a craft or two with my children. {grin} But, I have learned (the hard way) that when I plan a different activity/craft/elaborate project for I am going to be very much OVER that plan by oh, about December 3rd. Choose A FEW of your favorites, maybe one per week instead of one per day. Or, if you aren’t crafty and your kids don’t enjoy them, don’t do any! Who says December has to be full of crafts? Not if they don’t foster family relationships, memories and help create peace in your home! You can certainly learn about the real meaning of Christmas without glue and glitter!
Some of the most special memories our children will have of our Christmas seasons will be the simple memories. I promise.
Gather in the evening, with only the lights of your tree, sing a few Christmas carols and read the Christmas story. Take treats to a nursing home. Make hot chocolate and watch a favorite Christmas movie.
These are the things that I pray my children will remember. Turning to God’s Word as a family, serving and loving on a family in need, special decorations that have a history and memories attached to them, the birth of a Savior that we all so desperately need.
Most of all, I pray you will remember that PEACE is a PERSON. His name is Jesus. He came to BE peace for us. Invite Him into your plans this Christmas. Invite Him into your family events. Invite Him to still your heart and help you to focus on Him. Make your home open and inviting and welcoming of the Holy Spirit. He is peace, my friends. Let Him in.
Candace is just a broken, messed up mama in need of God’s fresh, new mercies daily ~ moment by moment. You can read about their homeschool journey, her struggle with depression, great books and more at her personal blog His Mercy is New.