Three Simple Steps to Make the Most of a Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention

By Becky Muldrow, Dual Credit At Home

Most of us attend a Teach Them Diligently homeschool convention for the “Aha!” moments of inspiration and encouragement. But those moments don’t just happen; we have to be intentional about our time and focus!

3 Simple Steps To Make the Most of TTD

Here are three surefire ways to get the most out of a Teach Them Diligently convention weekend…

  1. Decide ahead of time to totally immerse yourself in the entire convention. Once you have that program in hand, sit down and absorb it. Orient yourself with the entire convention area – the weekend will be over quickly and you don’t want to have just learned your way around when it’s time to head back home. Plan a detailed schedule – know where you need to be and when to be there. Keep that schedule in front of you and MAKE IT HAPPEN! (Much of this can be done ahead of time because the speakers and topics are online for us!)
  2. Rather than just sit back and relax, lean forward, listen, and take notes! Just like we tell our kids when they’re studying: “you remember more of what you write down!” So whether you use a yellow pad or an iPad, write down everything worth re-reading when you’re back home. Jot down speaker names and websites that you’ll want to visit later, great ideas, and especially some of the “how-to” information you’ll hear.
  3. Carefully choose your company for the weekend. If socializing is your goal, go with friends. If not, don’t. You can always plan a fun dinner together to enjoy time sharing about your day, but do even that with caution – you need rest to be at your peak. Focus on the sessions that will be full of the valuable information you are seeking. The weekend will be over before you know it, and you want to wind it up with excitement for school days that lie ahead!


The upcoming conference can change the course of your home school and even your child’s life. Don’t waste the experience!

Becky Muldrow

Hi there! I’m Becky Muldrow, wife to my high school sweetheart, Gene, and mom to 10 great kids! I love spending my days homeschooling the last 4 of them and sharing (on my website and at home school conferences) how we do high school differently (or not at all) – by replacing it with college. I’ll be attending both the Nashville and Atlanta conventions! Learn more about how we do high school differently at Dual Credit At  Home.