learning from goodbye

Learning from Goodbye

learning from goodbye

Goodbye is a term that became popular in the 1590’s. It is short for “God be with ye”. That simple fact gives a new and beautiful meaning to Christians who are facing difficult goodbyes. There is much blessing in parting when the sentiment is to leave you in the arms of God.

Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Often times, it is us as parents who learn the most from our time with our children. Their insight and less biased view of the world mixed with their unfiltered honesty is something we should relish.

This past weekend, we celebrated the life of my grandmother. My 4-year-old adored her. When she became too sick to play, he didn’t understand, but he instinctively knew it was the last time he would speak with her when they had their last phone conversation, and he told her goodbye.

When I told him she had gone to Heaven to be with Jesus, he asked if she was better. When I told him yes, he was so excited he was jubilant!

That child-faith is something else, isn’t it?

All he understood perfectly was that she is all better and she is with Jesus. And it made him so happy he was literally dancing and jumping.

Our young ones understand the big things more than we think they do. If you are facing a difficult goodbye, whether it be a move, a new co-op, or parting with a loved one, take comfort that God is there holding you all in His grace.

Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Always rejoice that even in the sad times God is with us, He goes before us, and He cares for us. And often, He uses our children and their words to bring us closer to Him.

What have you learned from your child this week?