Hospitable Homeschooling – Interview With Jen Schmidt

Opening our home is an amazing way to enrich our families and our homeschools and to serve others– even when the idea of doing so may seem completely overwhelming with everything that’s going on. In this video, you will get inspired to be a hospitable homeschooler and get some great ideas for how to do that and just how much of a blessing it will turn out to be.

This week in Teach Them Diligently 365, we are talking with Jen Schmidt of Balancing Beauty and Bedlam about Hospitable Homeschooling. I believe you will be encouraged and challenged as you look at how God wants to use you and your family to bless others and show them God’s great love for them. Jen shares specific ways her family has done this as we chat about a subject that you will see is very near and dear to both of our hearts. 

CLICK HERE to view this video and access the additional resources that were available with it.

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