No matter how difficult this year may have been, if you have felt defeated, had difficulties that left you crying or complaining, you can now sit back and enjoy the beauty that spring has to offer!
Here are some of the many ways you can enjoy the Spring while you homeschool
Connect with friends
It might be time to spend time with your homeschool friends at the park or over a cup of coffee/tea. Spend time sharing your successes and seek guidance for areas you are weak in. While you are together, pray for your homeschool friends. Nothing is sweeter than two (or more) friends praying over their family together. If you have friends who have moved away, write them a letter.
Regroup with Your Family
It may be time to make some changes in your homeschool. Take this time to pray together and gain the new perspective God has in store for you. You may even need to sit with your husband and be reminded that you are not inadequate and God has placed you where you are to disciple your children for the Glory of God.
Attend a Homeschool Convention
And YES, you need to attend a homeschool convention. It is so important to regroup and be around like-minded friends. Growing relationships both at home and across the homeschooling ‘world’ is important for any family. Try to attend together, as a family. You will all be blessed and encouraged through meeting other homeschool families from around the world and hear speakers who have a heart for encouraging you on this path God has created specifically for you!
It’s Spring! Enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. Spend time with your family, friends and get out in the world and meet others. It’s a beautiful life and one we were created to live in joy and relationship!