I am an introvert by nature– BIG Time!! If I had my druthers, I would stay home, doing my family thing, content to abide peacefully with those I hold most dear. The thing is, I don’t get my druthers. Instead, I have a mission! God has called me (and every one of you, too!) to minister to those He brings across our paths, to show His love, to minister to the hurting, to show hospitality, etc. And those commands are not only for the extroverted among us.
Over the past 11 years since God called us to start Teach Them Diligently, I’ve seen Him change my heart towards others and stretch me from the quiet, watch-the-crowd person I have always been into one that absolutely loves engaging with people, hearing their stories and getting a glimpse into what makes them unique. As He has reshaped me and given me a new heart for people, He has also given me a new heart for engaging other moms in that same mission.
Strengthen your Core
A few years ago, I really began focusing much more deliberately on strengthening my body—specifically my core (getting older, you know!) At the same time, the Lord was working on my heart in what would become, it seems, my theme for the last few years—fellowship, community, relationships, etc.
As I was doing a YouTube workout video one day, the woman who was helping me with my exercises said “If your core isn’t strong enough to hold you in this position, simply plant your arms beside you to use as supports.” The Lord immediately got my attention as He combined the two things that I had really been focused on as I meditated right there about my need for those supports for my core… and how that could positively affect my life.
As I noted before, I am not naturally one who looks for support for my core. Through the years, though, I have grown to see regular interactions with my sisters as not only good for encouragement and equipping. Instead, I find it to be a lifeline for my survival as a Christian homeschool mom. I began to see those supports for my core as a very real picture of “bearing one another’s burdens,” for there are plenty of areas where I am weak that I need someone to come alongside me to give me extra support. Similarly, there are areas that my core is actually quite strong in, so I am able to give support to those who have needs in that area. That’s part of the beauty of the Body of Christ. He often brings people into our lives whose fellowship can really strengthen our core.
Teach Them Diligently 365
As I was meditating on my core and what our community of Christian Homeschool Moms could really use, God prompted David and I to create teach Them Diligently 365. TTD365 is, at its core, a community of Christian homeschooling families who are passionate about pursuing their calling and impacting the world for Jesus Christ. It houses a ton of resources, ranging from weekly videos to thousands of audio recordings from Teach Them Diligently events, as well as being a central location for the community– both through daily interactions and monthly virtual meetups. I wanted to share the final installment of a three-part series that ran this summer in TTD365 about our relationships, so I unlocked it from being “members only.” It’s specifically about Rethinking your Rear-View Mirror and how God can use what you have experienced to encourage and help others.
God never wastes a THING– whether big or small. He is incredibly gracious to allow us to lay our experiences on His altar, for He wants to use them to encourage others and US as we all get to know Him and His ways better.
I recently recorded an entire video series on Relationships within our Teach Them Diligently 365 community. This video is the third installment in a series about rethinking our relationships and God’s plan for His people through our relationships. I pray that this video (and if you have access to the rest, the entire series) will be an encouragement to your heart and helped you get excited about the mission at hand and the role God has for you to play in it! Click here to watch that video now!
TTD2023 Events
We’re so excited to see you live and in person in Round Rock, TX and Pigeon Forge, TN for a three day celebration of faith, family, homeschooling, and discipleship that your family will love. Thousands have joined us at events through the years and have seen the Lord transform the way they think and approach their homeschool efforts. We’ll also be in Greenville, SC and Cedarville, OH for one-day events that are sure to be an encouragement and help to your family. Click here to find an event near you and register today!
Podcast About Relationships with Heidi St. John
I also invite you to listen in on a conversation I had recently with my friend Heidi St. John about the relationships God wants us women to have together. As Heidi notes at the beginning, “I think you’ll be encouraged!” 🙂 Click here to visit that podcast now.