Even as I write this, my husband is in Poland on a mission trip to work on a Business as Missions endeavor we have started in that country. God has called us to use the vehicle of education to reach families in a land where most people don’t have access to a Bible and where religious persecution, though not often physical, is very prevalent.
David’s been gone about a week, and I generally do pretty well the first few days of a trip. This week, we had snow as a distraction, and it proved to be a great one. Last night, though, the snow was gone; David had been gone for 5 days; and sleep was far, far away, so I prayed… and thought… and prayed some more until the wee small hours of the morning.
I thought back over the years that we have been involved with Worldwide Tentmakers and Teach Them Diligently Convention. I thought about the waters God has brought us through. I rehearsed with wonder the great things He has done around the world and in our own family. I dreamed about the doors I think I see opening ahead. I was thankful.
God brought to my mind relationships that I have made over the years that seemed completely insignificant at the time, but with the benefit of hindsight and a new vision, they seem incredibly important. God reminded me of what He has put into our hands and that all the skills and talents we have are from Him and to be used FOR Him. I was humbled and excited all at the same time.
What’s Your Mission?
Sometimes we get very busy looking ahead for the next BIG thing, don’t we? We don’t take time to look back at all the little things that God has used to bring us to the point of being prepared for that next thing.
Are YOU ready for the next big thing? Perhaps today is a good day to rehearse the great things God has done in your family. Perhaps while you’re doing that, God will make it clear what that next step of service and submission is for you. We’d love to hear YOUR testimony of the great things God has done!
At Worldwide Tentmakers, we believe that God doesn’t call any of us to part-time Christian service. We’re all called to full-time Christian service. We all have an obligation to be a witness and to reach the most people with His message. We just have to be looking for those opportunities and approaching each and every day with the INTENT to share God’s love and grace with those He brings across our paths. Won’t you join us? Learn more at www.worldwidetentmakers.com and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
God laid on my heart similar thoughts to share on Million Praying Women this month. God wants to use His people! Am I ready and willing to be used? Are you?