Genesis Paradise Lost DVD

What Do You Tell Your Children When They Question the Reality of God?

In spite of our arduous work to homeschool our children and train them in the ways of God, sometimes we hear them state, “I am not sure that God is real. Maybe the scientists and atheists are right. Maybe this religion and Bible stuff are just fairy tales that people use as a crutch.” What do we tell them?

Perhaps it is not only what we tell them, but also what we show them.

As homeschoolers, we are committed to diligently teaching God’s Truth to our children in every facet of life. Sadly, our 21st-century culture stands in stark opposition, loudly screaming from every venue any information that denies God and His ways. Eight years ago, three producers embarked upon a journey to put forth a high quality, cutting-edge, film countering lies pressed upon men—lies intended to squalsh the very first chapter God wrote to mankind.

The result—GENESIS: Paradise Lost.

The riveting CG-filled film boasts many awards already: including Best Documentary, Best Cinematography and Visual Effects, Best Director, Dove Approved for All Ages, and a Prestigious 4 out of 4 Stars by MovieGuide. But that’s not why TTD chose this production as our Movie of the Year. The team of three producers, including Ralph Strean, Bill Harrity and Eric Hovind didn’t spend years on this project to win awards.

Eric and the Creation Today Team invested in this resource to answer the culture-war challenge we all face amid a rapid moral decline. God in His infinite wisdom knew the battles we would face and He addressed them head-on, right out of the gate in Genesis 1:1. Recognizing the power of God’s Own Words coupled with the dynamic influence of film, the GENESIS: Paradise Lost producers uniquely incorporated interviews with top scientists, historians, and theologians all corroborating the divinely inspired Book of All Time. That’s why TTD chose GPL as our Movie of the Year in 2019.



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