The Foundation of Homeschooling is important.

Your Foundation – The Most Important Thing


Attending a Teach Them Diligently Convention is a great start to your homeschooling journey.  You will meet like-minded families from across the country and the world, and you will be presented a correct foundation.

The Foundation of Homeschooling is important.

Do you know what your foundation is? If we looked inside your homeschool, what would we find at the core?

The point of Teach Them Diligently is to encourage and renew the vision of Christian homeschooling–disciple your children and equip them to go into the world and glorify God.  It is the Gospel that makes us distinctive.  As parents, our effort should center around two things: proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed and preparing our children to go out and make a difference in the world.

There are many reasons homeschoolers set out on the journey of home education.  Whether it is bullying, failing public schools, doctrinal issues with the local private Christian school, or something else–we start this journey for diverse reasons.  Too often though, once we get into this adventure, we put our faith in some method that promises it will make our children smarter or more capable or more “Christian.” However at Teach Them Diligently, the method of homeschooling is secondary to the foundation.

At Teach Them Diligently, your foundation is the most important aspect of your homeschool.

Academics will be well-represented, along with instruction on methods, strategies, and how-tos for teaching and organizing just as you would find at other homeschool conventions.  However, what is different about Teach Them Diligently is a stated focus on the authority of the Scriptures and centrality of the truth of the Cross.  The foundation is the grace of our Father and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Family Revival Movement

We believe revival, if it is to come, will start in the homes.  If you have come before, come back!  Refreshment, Renewal, Revival–they need to happen constantly.  We hope to see you in 2017!  This year we have planned several elements for our speaking sessions focused on Men and Fatherhood, Health and Nutrition, Getting Started Homeschooling, Classical Education, Technology, Parenting, Special Needs, and others.  We invite you to join us at one of our events this spring.

 What does The Lord have for your family at Teach Them Diligently this year?

If you are just starting out, or if you need some encouragement on your homeschooling journey, check out our Teach Them Diligently course on How to Homeschool with Confidence. You can also join Teach Them Diligently 365 for many more resources to help you on your homeschooling journey.

David and Leslie NunneryDavid Nunnery is the founder of Teach Them Diligently Conventions as well as the president of a mission agency called Worldwide Tentmakers. It is his passion to see families return to a solid, gospel-driven foundation of home education and discipleship. And it is his prayer that God would send revival to our land and around the world, beginning in the families represented at Teach Them Diligently.