Attention All Recruits: Battle For the Truth

Teach Them Diligently


Exciting times are ahead! For some of you soldiers, the Battle For Truth is less than a month away! I speak for all of the commanding officers in the Battle for Truth program when I say, “We can’t wait!” I expect you feel the same way!

There are a few keys items that I need you be prepared for when you arrive for your Battle For Truth training. First, I need you soldiers to come in uniform. That’s right–I need you pull out that camouflage, those medals, flag patches, dog tags, or anything else to complete your own unique uniform. Second, I need you to be ready for weapons training. It’s ok, Mom and Dad…our only weapon in the Battle for Truth is the Sword of the Spirit—The Word of God***. On Friday night, you will have a couple passages that you can work on overnight with your parents to build your skill in using the Sword of the Spirit.

This brings us to another very important piece of information! In the Battle for Truth, there will be two teams, the Navy Girls and the Army Boys! Points will be added for all those who come in their uniform and for those who complete weapons training (Scripture Memory) with their parents. One team has to win, and on Saturday night, we will find out if it is the Army or the Navy!

Finally, one item of preparation remains. Simply, it is prayer. After that great Soldier of the Faith, Paul, told us in Ephesians 6 to put on the Armor of God, in the very next verse, he told us to pray. I ask each Soldier to pray about the TTD Conference they will be attending with their family. Pray that God would help you and your whole family to grow spiritually as they hear the truth of His Word taught. Paul also said in Ephesians 6 to pray “for me…that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel.” I would ask each recruit to pray for me and the other speakers and leaders of the Battle for Truth and TTD Conference, that God would help us as we prepare and speak to you.

Well, at ease, soldiers. That is all I have for you now. Until I see you, stay strong in The Lord and come ready for the Battle for Truth!

– General Matt

***Parents: We do encourage your children to come “dressed up” for the Battle for Truth in military type apparel. This would include, but is not limited to any camo, insignia, pins, dog tags, berets, sailor hats, roman soldier type toy armor, etc. However, we ask that NO toy guns, toy knives or swords, pocket knives, airsoft guns, water guns, or any other type of play (or real) weapon is brought to the Battle for Truth. We are seeking to see that a very fun and playful but safe environment is kept for your children to enjoy!


Battle For the TruthBattle 4 Truth Program Daily Schedule
9:10-9:30  Drop off New Recruits
9:30-10:00  Mission Objectives (Opening Assembly)
10:10-10:40  1st Session
10:50-11:20  2nd Session
11:30-12:00  Re-group Recruits/Parents pick-up
12:00-1:30  Chow Hall
1:40-2:00  Re-assemble and Re-group Recruits for sessions
2:10-2:40  3rd Session
2:50-3:20  4th Session
3:30-4:00  5th Session
4:10-4:40  6th Session
4:45-5:00  Weapons Training (Scripture memory with Counselors)
5:10-6:00  Debriefing/Challenge (Closing Assembly/Skits/Devotional)
6:00-6:20  Return to barracks with Parents

Each session is either a teaching time, craft, or game for the children

What are you waiting for?? Register your family  for Teach Them Diligently in Nashville and Omaha before it is too late!  Act now to save your space!! If you have not registered for Spartanburg online – we have onsite Registration.  We can’t wait to see you!