Peaceful Sleep

Those of you who have been a member of Teach Them Diligently 365 for any length of time, have probably heard me talk about how I used to set scripture to tune as I was teaching my children. We used to sing scripture to help memorize it, to learn the principles of it, and so much more.

One of the songs we sang almost every single day while they were growing up (and even sometimes now that they’re older,) is a tune I made up for Psalm 4:8. That verse starts, “I will both lay me down in peace and sleep…” I would sing that every night with each child individually to help calm their heart and point them to the One Who is able to keep them safe and to help them sleep in peace. It’s very much a part of the tapestry of our family.

This week, I was thinking of how easy it is for us moms (and dads!) to comfort our kiddos with verses like that. We can assure them that the boogie man won’t get them, and there is no monster hiding in their closet. (My youngest used to call those the “Spookies”… 🙂 ) We parents faithfully point their little hearts to their loving Heavenly Father Who promises never to leave them and to keep them safe. It’s easy for us to wrap our heads around that.

But, is it easy for us to remember that and apply it to our concerns as well? Can I sing to myself “I will both lay me down in peace and sleep…” as confidently as I sing it with my children? I am facing “spookies” of a different kind. There are bills to be paid, more to do than there is of me, and stressors that threaten to take my breath away if I dwell on them.  For some, there are serious health issues, economic issues, or relationships that seem completely out of control. How can we possibly lay down in peace and sleep?

The answer is found in the last part of that verse (and consequently our little Nunnery-song…) “For You alone, O LORD, make me to dwell in safety.”  Only by focusing on the God Who is able to make me dwell in safety can I truly lie down in peace and sleep. Only by trusting in His love and His power can I find sweet rest. Only in submitting myself to his plan and purpose can I find the repose to lie down in serenity.

So, I wonder, Mom and Dad, are you able to sing that song with me? Are you able to lie down in peace and sleep; knowing that the God of the Universe, Who loves you so much He sent His only Son to earth to make a way for you to live eternally, is taking care of you and making you able to dwell in safety? If not, I urge you to spend some time in His Word this evening, reminding yourself of Who He is. Perhaps a quick trip to Psalm 4 is a good place to start. 🙂

Joining You In This Journey!