Meeting Needs and Making A Difference In The Lives of Single Homeschooling Parents.

It’s easy to think that our lives are so wrapped up in homeschooling, parenting, and discipling our own children that we can’t be of much service to the Lord outside of the four walls of our own homes. Even I feel that way many times, and the Lord has given me a pretty incredible outlet for ministry.

One of the goals David and I have for Teach Them Diligently is to open our eyes to the MANY ways God can use our families right now… right in the stage of life we are… right in the midst of our home education adventures. We have partnered with some amazing groups to bring needs before you and hopefully inspire you to jump in and meet those needs– or at least lay them before our Father in prayer each day.

I can’t wait to tell you about the many ways you can get involved in the days ahead, but today I wanted to bring a need before you that is especially close to my heart. More and more, we are seeing the need to overtly care for the single parents in our communities. There are many reasons that these moms and dads find themselves continuing to follow God’s path of homeschooling their children despite their change of circumstances. For many, it means making sacrifices that most of us cannot even fathom.

To be very honest, I never really considered those needs before. I never took time to think about what their lives must be like– I was too busy living mine. God saw fit to change me, though, when He introduced me to one who has become a very dear friend. Kim found herself raising four children as a single mom in a way that she never would have imagined or desired. Through her courage and desire to serve the community of other single parents that she reaches through her blog Not Consumed, I have had my eyes opened to a need that