Yesterday, David and I joined our son and daughter-in-law for their annual tradition of visiting “Christmas Town USA.” It was so much fun. The lights, the laughter, the warm cups of hot chocolate handed out by smiling church members—it all felt like a much-needed pause from the chaos of life. My favorite moment was hearing a man dressed as a shepherd tell the Christmas story as if he’d lived it himself. That evening felt like peace. It reminded me how easily we can miss the beauty of this season when we’re caught up in the busyness of making everything perfect.
But let’s be honest— peace doesn’t always come naturally, especially in our homes. With endless to-do lists, sibling squabbles, and the weight of trying to “get it right” as parents, peace can feel downright elusive. Yet peace is essential—not just for our own hearts, but for fulfilling the mission God has given us in our homes.
As I’ve been thinking about peace this season, I keep coming back to Micah 5:5, where the prophet says, “And he will be our peace.” That’s Jesus! He came to bring peace into this chaotic, broken world—and into our homes, too. But how do we grab hold of that peace when life feels anything but peaceful?
First, we must understand what biblical peace really is.
Biblical peace isn’t just the absence of conflict. It’s a sense of completeness, wholeness, and rest that comes from knowing we’re secure in God’s hands. It’s the opposite of anxiety, which tears us apart and scatters our thoughts. Peace brings clarity and steadiness, even when life feels overwhelming.
As parents, especially homeschooling parents, we can’t fulfill our mission if we’re living in a state of constant anxiety and turmoil. God has called us to disciple our children, to lead them to Jesus, and to prepare them for their own mission one day. That’s a big job. But we can’t do it well without the peace of God ruling in our hearts and our homes.
So how do we invite that peace in? Let me share three things that have helped me:
1. Fix Your Mind on God
Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Peace starts in the mind. But let’s be real—how often do our minds feel steadfast? With a hundred things vying for our attention, it’s easy to let worry and distraction take over.
One thing that’s helped me is being intentional about spending time in God’s Word. This year, I’ve been going through the Bible Recap with TTD365 members, and it’s been such a gift. Even on days when life feels crazy, diving into God’s Word and hearing insights from others has grounded me. If you’re not already in God’s Word daily, start small. Let Scripture shape your thoughts and anchor your heart.
2. Practice Gratitude
I love how 1 Thessalonians 5 reminds us to “rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances.” Gratitude has a way of shifting our focus from what’s wrong to what’s right.
For me, practicing gratitude is often as simple as pausing in the middle of a chaotic day and thanking God for small things: the way the sunlight streams through the window, a surprise visit from an adult child, or even the smell of dinner cooking. Those little moments remind me that God is present with us, even when I feel like things are chaotic, and they always reshape the way I think and prepares my heart for that peace He promises that passes all understanding.
3. Look for Peace in the Right Place
This one is personal, and it might step on some toes (mine included), but where are you searching for peace? Is it in a perfectly clean house? A well-behaved child? Financial security? It’s so easy to think, If only this one thing would change, I’d feel peaceful.
But the truth is, no person, achievement, or circumstance can give us lasting peace. Only Jesus can do that. He is our peace. And when we place our hope and trust in Him, we find a peace that doesn’t depend on everything going right.
If you’re not experiencing that kind of peace right now, let me encourage you to take a step back this week and ask yourself some hard questions. What’s stealing your peace? Are you trying to control something that only God can handle? Are you looking for peace in all the wrong places?
As we celebrate Christmas, let’s remember the Prince of Peace who came to bring us wholeness and rest. Let’s fix our minds on Him, practice gratitude, and stop searching for peace where it can’t be found.
And if you’ve never experienced the peace that comes from knowing Jesus personally, I’d love to talk with you about that. It’s the best gift you could ever receive this Christmas—and it’s the foundation for everything else.
Wishing you a peaceful, joy-filled Christmas!