This week, we’ll be praying for the believers in India, which is a hostile nation for believers.
Þ Taste—Indians use a lot of spices in their foods to create a very unique flavor in their dishes. They also tend to use fresher ingredients, which makes a lot of their dishes very healthy. Here’s a list of kid-friendly Indian recipes your family can try this week as you’re learning more about this vast land.
Þ See—Click here to join Stevie P as he spends 5 days traveling through India to show us what life is like there.
Þ Find—Find India on your map and mark it as a place you’re praying for all week. You can dive deeper and get more geographical information about India by clicking here.
Þ Pray— Let’s pray specifically for a family in Madhya Pradesh, India whose home and crops were burned by people not wanting them to talk about Jesus and meet with other Christians. You can read more about their story here. The believers there are changing the way they meet, but they are continuing to meet, for they know they can take refuge in their great God.
Your family can find more details about India and learn how you can pray specifically for Indian believers in your Global Prayer Guide. Then, you can journal specific things you found to pray for to have a reminder of this prayer journey you’re on together. Go to to get your own free Global Prayer Guide from The Voice of the Martyrs today!