Spelling Words with Bible Character Names {FREE Printable Pack}

Spelling Words with Bible Character Names - TTD

Spelling. Many say this is one of their weakest subjects in homeschooling. But spelling instruction is actually VERY important to literacy development. Asking kids to SLOW DOWN and really focus on words gives them many word strategies to help them read and write better. When we stop and look at words out of context, we can zero in on their “tricky parts” to help kids remember them better. My favorite way to teach spelling words is through hands-on play. Making words is one of those activities that challenges kids in a fun way. And why not use Bible character names to play with spelling words? 🙂


Spelling Words with Bible Character Names

Print off a page of your choice and ask your child to think of as many words as he can spell using only the combined letters in the names of the Bible characters. Below is an example of a few words that could be spelled using David & Goliath. Please note that you may find it helpful to provide letter tiles or bottle cap letters for younger children who need to manipulate the letters to spell words.

david and goliath example for spelling words


Included in the pack are 5 Old Testament and 5 New Testament pairs of Bible names. The Old Testament pairs included are Adam & Eve, Abraham & Sarah, Moses & Aaron, Joshua & Caleb, and David & Goliath. The New Testament pairs are Joseph & Mary, Jesus & Zacchaeus, Peter & Andrew, Caiaphus & Jesus, and Paul & Timothy. The Clip art included in this pack is used with permission from www.christiancliparts.net.


Download this FREE Spelling Words Pack HERE!