
The #1 Reason A Curriculum Fails and Why You Should Change How You Select Yours

It’s no wonder why so many parents come into the convention exhibit hall with the “deer in the headlights” look. Choosing a homeschool curriculum is overwhelming. Seriously…even for those of us who have been homeschooling for many years.

There are so many choices and so many methods. There are so many various learning styles and interests of our children. It’s no wonder the task of selecting homeschool curriculum is so daunting.

Take heart, my friends. There are so many GREAT options out there and it’s easier than you think to pick the right one.

I know you are shaking your head in wonder. If there are so many GREAT options out there…why is it that so many parents barely get to Thanksgiving before they start longingly watching that yellow bus drive by?  Why do so many choose the wrong one curriculum?

The answer lies in our reasoning.

Most homeschool parents choose curriculum for a variety of reasons:
-their child’s desire or learning style
-their friends use it
-the co-op recommends it

Every single one of those reasons are good reasons, but alone…they may leave you frustrated.

Have you considered that perhaps the most important factor in this equation is you? Yes, you. As a homeschool parent, if the curriculum you buy gives you hives, do you really think the year will be successful? On the flip side, if the curriculum makes you comfortable and gives you confidence as the teacher don’t you think your homeschool will thrive?

It’s really that simple.

Not the crafty type? Don’t buy that hands-on unit study kit. Yes, it works wonders with others and your kids may love it. But, if you can’t love it…it’s likely to stay in the box. Or worse, you’ll decide that homeschooling isn’t for your family and march down to enroll them in school. To be fair here….the only thing in this case that isn’t for your family is that hands-on unit study kit.

New to homeschooling and uncomfortable making educational decisions? There may be plenty of great options that your friends use, but you will flounder without the guidance that you need and self-doubt will drive you to throw in the towel faster than anything else. You may want to buy a curriculum that has a scripted parent portion or a detailed lesson plan to help you feel comfortable. If this doesn’t describe you, perhaps you will enjoy a unit study or a variety of curriculum pieces.

questions to consider before purchasing curriculum

Perhaps the one thing that most people don’t realize is that there is not one single curriculum that will ensure success in your family. Gasp. I know. Everyone thinks there is. We treat it like there is some “holy grail” of curriculum and desperately search through the caves to find it. Don’t miss this—-> there is no ONE SIZE FITS ALL curriculum. 

No one curriculum will meet every family or student’s needs. The perfect curriculum for your family is the one that meets your needs. I promise. Your students will not succeed just because you chose to use what your best friend has used to successfully homeschool 12 kids.

The first step to homeschool bliss is choosing the best curriculum for YOU!

Find the best curriculum for your family when you download the Homeschool Family Favorites guide. Each year, thousands of families tell us their favorite resources in 40+ categories, and we share that with you in our free guide.


Kim Sorgius is a 20+ year homeschool veteran. She is passionate about helping families grow in faith so they are NOT CONSUMED by life. Her practical workshops at Teach Them Diligently and the resources she creates will inspire and equip you to homeschool without feeling overwhelmed by circumstances. Kim loves combining her teaching experience with her M.Ed. in Curriculum Development to create incredible resources for families.